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You Are Needed!

Did somebody invest in you when you were a young person?  Did someone give up their weekends and evenings to help you mature spiritually, and just show you they cared? It's your turn.  You are needed. 


"Teens who identify at least one influential, “natural” mentor in their life...-report that they have a higher sense of self and are more likely to take risks that affect their lives positively, says new data released today from the 2006 SADD (Students Against Destructive Decisions)"


We know intuitively that kids need adults that love them and show them how to live a happy, healthy, productive life, in love with Jesus. This is what we do. We go to where students are and invite them to engage in meaningful conversations about God in the context of caring relationships. 


Would you be a part of this where you are? Would you give some part of your week to changing our world by investing in the lives of kids? Today is the day.


Contact us today about working with Cru to build spiritual movements among the youth of New England.

Leader Resources

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